From mental representation to comprehensive reading: a students’ challenge in mid-level education

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Carmen Elena Yungán Pinda


Mental representation, cognitive processes, comprehensive reading


Nowadays, each educational process is questioned from its usefulness and effectiveness in students’ learning development, one of them has to do with reading comprehension, that is worrying in Ecuador regarding to reading motivation low rate that students have, due to  difficulties that this involves, in answers searching to this problem, a journey is made through mental representation influence in comprehensive reading, since it is the basis of any process until reaching conceptual construction, which in short is the knowledge that every human being has around something. The study contrasts thoughts and authors currents that date from the importance of both mental representation since its development milestone and synaptic pruning as well as comprehensive reading to cognitive processes. For this path, scientific method is used in its analysis phase and information synthesis through scientific readings searching.

This analysis has as main axis to deeply understand by the teacher´s point of view the relationship between mental representation and reading comprehension and how it influences scholar development.

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