Structural and architectural optimization from topological logics to constructive solutions for land architecture in Pelaya Cesar

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Innias Miguel Cadena Gonzalez
Julio Alfredo Delgado-Rojas
Mawency Vergel-Ortega


Structural and architectural optimization, architectural construction solutions


The research is focused on the current problems of construction systems based on steel and concrete with a high polluting value that have largely replaced the use of vernacular materials such as earth in construction processes, completely underestimating the sustainability factors that the material possesses. The use of sustainable systems is justified by the need for new models of sustainable development in construction after the current energy crisis, where at a global and national level the trend of its use is positive but regionally, The muncipal of Caesar-Colombia, reflects little appropriation of the material, so the research presents as a general objective to apply structural and architectural topological optimization logic to earthen architecture in the municipality of Pelaya, Cesar, managing to determine advantages of the techniques of architecture of tapia and bahareque for topological optimization, with results that suggest the intervention of these models of design to generate constructive systems that respond to the structural norms of Colombian construction articulated with constructive systems in land with high thermal comfort.

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