Optimization of the English learning with primary school children using Duolingo

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Sebastián Bernal Rodríguez https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1923-0933
Astrid Ramírez Valencia


Technology, Duolingo, preservice English teacher, teaching practice, consideration


In the English language learning, the technology is considered as a very important factor, even so, in the public-school context, teacher’s expertise, and knowledge to integrate are vitally important in the classroom. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the inclusion’s incidence of Duolingo platform in a third-grader's class led by a trainee teacher, who was concerned about why children presented several difficulties to assimilate a foreign language, this event motivated him to propose on his lesson plans permanently the inclusion of this platform during the development of his teaching practicum, which was convened with the home teacher, so he decided to investigate the effect of Duolingo’s use with his researcher sight, during its sessions.

For the analysis of this study was considered theories from Čok (2016), Loeb, (2018), Ahmed(2016), Vesselinov & Grego (2012), among others, which were perceived Duolingo’s digital support as a facilitator element for the English language learning, it was also vital the teacher’s sight and expertise at the moment of including technology in the class space. For this research, three instruments were applied: Trainee teacher’s field notes, a survey, and a questionnaire, to measure children’s language knowledge knowing different perspectives of this experience, thus, to have arguments to invite the teachers to assume these challenges.

Finally, the results let us to know the increase of the English grammar knowledge and vocabulary, after Duolingo’s implementation in the classroom, demonstrating a meaningful academic improvement also behavior changes were noticed and with that, value changes, tending to the education of an integral being, in the scholars.

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