Analyzing Leonidas Proaño students
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Man and community, Solidarity, Helpfulness, Valuation of the human being
The human being throughout his life leaves traces of his actions, whether positive or negative, in these stages of life many of them have gone unnoticed, in the same way there are people who by their actions have left indelible traces for the benefit of the society, such is the case of Monsignor Leonidas Proaño. In this article, we will give a tour of his actions in his mission as Bishop of Riobamba, that despite having spent 109 years of his birth his thoughts and works remain latent, not only in the living practice of the gospel, but in the teaching of the courage, respect for the dignity of the human being, with a great sense of humility, solidarity and identity, being part of our memory, our lives and our hearts, through the analysis of texts and interviews we will demonstrate why he is called the "Bishop of the poor ”in the analysis carried out, we intend to capture the interest so that those interested in knowing and disseminating their thinking have a consultation tool.
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