Webquest technological tool applied to the english teaching

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Laura del Pilar Moreno Pérez https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5871-5947
Astrid Ramirez Valencia


Webquest, education technologies, pedagogy, teaching


The implementation of technological tools within the classroom for the development of activities is used by the teacher to promote participation, cooperative learning and creativity in students. This text sets out the implications of the use of Webquest, in a group of children from second grade to a public school on account of a pre-service teacher of English giving evidence of the effects of the implementation of technological resources in the process of teaching English this experience can be used in any other educational environment.

As a method of study was applied qualitative research and data collection, two instruments were used: a semi structured interview according to (Torres, 2006), for its construction and some field journals completed by pre service teacher along a pedagogical experience English teacher with children, that in accordance with (Jane. Mills, Melanie Birks, 2014) are used to evaluate the process and development of each class.

The results of this study corroborate that the correct use of the Webquest in a field of education is relevant to the educational process, it also allows the teacher to innovate in their classes, achieving students to participate significantly, within the same.

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