Impact of saber pro tests on students of a bachelor's degree

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José Eriberto Cifuentes Medina
José Antonio Chacón Benavides
Israel Alfonso Moreno Pinzón


Evaluation, Quality, Education, Standardized Testing


The article explores the evaluation of educational quality is considered necessary and relevant in the education system, institutions and processes; recognizing the imminent risk of recognizing national and international standardized tests as absolute consequence recognizing the particular contexts of each aspect.

The systematic and progressive articulation of pedagogy, didactics and quality in education is feasible so that the evaluation can be a constitutive of improvement in the face of the shortcomings detected in the process through various procedures and instruments of national and international qualitative and quantitative measurement. However, of the contradictions that the quality and evaluation from the administrative and economic field have to assess the potential and qualities of educational evaluation in order to improve educational processes at a general and particular level to achieve logical and coherent goals beyond statistical indicators.

The results are immersed in the articulation of quality and evaluation from the human resource that directs and who executes to see reflected in the measurement and that does not advance in improvement plans to optimize quality and evaluation in education and would be being object of the risks of the evaluation of educational quality in the direction of systemic and systematic ineffectiveness.

The impact of the standardized Saber Pro tests on the students of the Bachelor's Degree, does not entail consequences on a personal level because the certificate of attendance on the day of the exam is constituted as a requirement and despite the scholarships and opportunities offered in Postgraduate education is not aware of the importance of this exam other than as a requirement.

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