He school garden, an ecological bet to support the english writting with primary children

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Leidy Yazmin Camargo Aldana https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4193-3352
Astrid Ramírez Valencia


writing, cross-curricular learning, English as foreign language, school garden, experiences


Frequently the English´s teachers are worried about student’s motivation when they start to learn a new language, but the find  view is  opposite, because the students evidence a predisposition by learn a language, so they different cultural life situations ,  which do not establish a real reason to get it, besides the teachers have to accomplish to some predetermined standards in the institutions where they work, without to take into account the educational community ´s characteristics and interests .

This article looks for to present an experience developed in a private school at the Bogota city, where the students have to the opportunity of create and organize a school garden, reporting these experiences using short English writing.

In this intervention takes into account the studies developed by author as: Autum (2015), Gonzales (2018) and  Mejia (2017), who implant the school garden topic like a pedagogical tool, also it includes Gonzales (2015 who highlight the importance to learn a foreign language.

This study used the qualitative method where gather the information through an interview, some diaries made by the participants and some observations made by the researcher.

Into the investigation was done a diagnosis, which raised the intervention afterwards it presented an analysis of the achieve results.

To conclude, the achieve results allowed to define that is possible to the research teacher goes about pedagogical actions and generate conscience about the natural care and engages the second language short writing to allow it report their experiences showing a language acquisition.

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