Analysis of the usability of the sanamentics cognitive therapy web system

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Bertha Alice Naranjo Sánchez
María José Tinoco Arichavala
Daniel Enrique Vega Bravo


Usability, Cognitive impairment, ISO 25000, Cognitive therapies, SANAMENTICS


Many diseases affect the older adult population in Ecuador, especially Alzheimer's, which acts on brain cells leading to memory loss.  To help the use of cognitive therapies that stimulate the brain in the Hogar Corazón de Jesús of the Junta de Beneficencia of the City of Guayaquil, the SANAMENTICS System was implemented, software that manages the application of cognitive therapies. The objective of this article is to evaluate the usability of this software, for which a quality model was created using characteristics, sub-features, metrics and indicators according to the ISO/IEC 25000 SQuaRE. The model was evaluated in tests executed by technical and non-technical users and it was obtained as a result that the tool complies very satisfactorily with the usability characteristic according to the ISO 25000 standard.

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