Management of the participatory strategic planning of the educational community in the process of building the center's educational project

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Franklin Orlando Delgado-Denham


Strategic Planning, Educational Community, Center Educational Project, Management


This article focuses on the analysis of the project methodology that generally applies to different types of organizations under the triangulation of the parameters of scope, cost and time and their contextualization with the planning and management processes, implemented operationally and functionally, by multidisciplinary actors that systemically aim to achieve results in favor of the organization or direct benefits for the social community social connectivity , managed in a timely manner.

With this reference framework, the methodology of projects has been linked in the Republic of Panama to the management of the educational organization, specifically the Schools and the operational and functional articulation of the pedagogical planning tool, called Educational Projects of School Center (PEC), which is built with the participation of the Educational Community led by the director of the School whose strategy should be to integrate the pedagogical actions of the classroom or focus groups of the classroom , which together build the School from the pedagogical field, which is developed through the learning teaching process, which requires other collateral elements to achieve satisfactory transmission of knowledge to students in the school environment both internally and externally since the educational system is part of society.

The analysis of the project methodology applied to schools was carried out in a qualitative and quantitative manner through the use of the DITRAS method, (Sequential Transformative Design), information was collected using the survey technique and questionnaires applied to members of the Educational Community, pedagogical leaders and regional education authorities in the Panama East area, perception results and quantitative validation evidence that the management of the planning of the Educational Projects (PEC) built by the Education Community are not functional.

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