Concept of water and its implications in environmental training

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Liliana Caycedo Lozano
Diana Marcela Trujillo Suárez


Environmental education, substance, water, compound


The care of water sources in the Colombian territory is a priority that is part of the challenges that arise from the proposal of the Sustainable Development Goals. In this context, the role that Environmental Education plays at  all  levels of training is important and from there     it becomes relevant to review and learn the scientific concepts derived from water as a  pure substance, which implies a didactic work that has take into account the different types of concepts that are part of the scientific disciplines that converge in environmental language.

Therefore, a reflection is proposed around the results of two investigations carried out by the Planning Research Group in Efficient Environmental Management of the Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca that demonstrate the need for conceptual foundation to transcend arguments, from the valuation of water only as a water resource until the valuation of the compound as a reagent with definitive properties for the sustainability of the planet and our territory.


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