An approach to the talented characteristics of talented teachers in higher education
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teacher´s talent, university, characteristics, elements, relation
This investigation shows the approach in the exploration in the characteristics attributed to the teacher´s talent that the university´s students. The study is quantitative non-experimental, transversal, descriptive, exploratory and comparative, with a sample of 112 students from two campus a public university in northern Mexico, of which 70 (62.5%) were women and 42 (37.5%) were men, with ages ranging between 18 and 35 years (M = 21, SD = 3.12). The results show that the characteristics most attributed to the teacher´s talent were: mastery of content, being creative, respectful, with assertive communication, which promotes the development of its students and provides a clear explanation. In significant relationships with student´s gender and career level are: being responsible, provides accompaniment in cases of lag and being understanding.
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