Autonomous learning of english as a foreign language in a culturally integrated b-learning ecosystem

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Lorena Julieth Rojas Salazar
Luis Facundo Maldonado G


Learning ecosystem, communicative affordance, autonomous learning, B-learning ecosystem


The low level of oral skills in learning English  as a foreign language seems to be related to the lack of spaces and opportunities to interact in dynamic learning environments since the texts and study materials are not related to the context in which the student lives. This research answers the question of whether a b-learning ecosystem with devices for monitoring learning and integrated into cultural dimensions of the students’ environment improves the learning of oral skills in learning English. The proposal is based on advances in research on ecosystems of learning and embodied cognition. A system  is designed from the specification of learning spaces integrated into a spiral structure. An online learning environment integrates with an ecosystem with elements  of  Boyacá  cuisine  to develop communicative interactions and autonomous learning activities.  The  proposal is validated by taking as population, grade 11 students from the Colombian system and two equivalent samples of selected students, based on previous performance in the English subject in the current school year.  Statistical analysis  of results supports the positive answer to the research question and supports the importance of the cultural integration of learning b- learning ecosystems in foreign language learning.


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