The power in relationships that structure the action patterns of the school community

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Florentino Silva Becerra


school conflicts, power relations, shared interests and individual, collective acts


Incompatible objectives are inherent in any human group, in it social relations structure a theoretical component that, warns in the conflict of the presence of the collective actor that operates the relations of influence of one on the other.

Power, the central axis of the conflict, establishes in the culture its own codes that interweave the actions of the group.

What is the meaning that the different groups identified in individual-collective interaction give to the conflicts established in the organizational context?

In the investigation process the world view and the interests of the investigator that will lead him to approach one way or another to the facts are highlighted. Ethnography is the approach to investigate human groups, this is a micro or basic work that analyzes the interactions of the collective actor based on the idea of ​​the social machinery that interweaves school conflict.

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