Pedagogical activity, a reflection for the excercise of teaching with the Emberas Katíos

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Maria Helena Ramirez Cabanzo


Pedagogical work, Teaching Practice, Teaching-Learning, formation


This text approaches to reflect on the pedagogical practices with the Embera Katíos; Its general objective is to analyze processes of transformation of the pedagogical task mediated by the geographies of childhood: the experience of Embera Katíos students and graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Children's Pedagogy of the University Foundation of the Andean Area. It begins with the recognition of teaching-learning scenarios mediated by interculturality; where diverse elements are socialized that the students of the Degree who work as teachers, in educational institutions located in the resguardos of the territory where the Embera Katíos community is located; likewise, actions of intercultural pedagogical tasks are mentioned to characterize the theoretical and practical training of indigenous teacher’s mediator by virtuality.

It should be noted that the exercise of inquiry is in phase III, and allows us to recognize that education goes beyond the mere transmission of knowledge in contexts of indigenous peoples, it becomes a training scenario focused on the recognition of values and centered principles in the worldview of the indigenous community, it leads to look at oneself, to later recognize themselves as teachers, to look in retrospect to identify knowledge that circulates in the native peoples, in this case, from the institutional proposal mediated by virtuality; Regarding the methodological design, results will be presented that draws the attention of the pedagogical work of teaching professionals from an intercultural perspective, product of the autobiographical narratives and expositions of the students as part of the final work to graduate.

Finally, the article draws conclusions found on general aspects of pedagogy such as teaching, didactics, teaching-learning, as well as the training process from a reflective and conscious tone of pedagogical practices in geographical contexts that deserve to be recognized. Thus, the general purpose is to contribute to the reflection on teacher training and pedagogical work in contexts of indigenous communities.

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