University social responsibility: a view from the conceptions of teachers in training

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Andrea Katherine Laguado Rozo
Luis Carlos Cervantes Estrada
Ernesto Fajardo Pascagaza


Social responsibility, Teacher training, Pedagogical practice, Deontology, Education and development


This article emerges as a synthesis of the research “Conceptions of University Social Responsibility: A Look from the Students of the Faculties of Education of the Surcolombiana University and the Francisco José De Caldas District University” carried out in the context of the Master's Degree in Education and Human Development, which offers the Center for Advanced Studies in Childhood and Youth of the University of Manizales and CINDE. The purpose of this study was to understand the role of teachers in training, from emerging discourses, who are on the verge of being the trainers of the new generations and to identify the concepts that have around Social Responsibility. To this end, they investigated what they understand about their professional profile, the ethical imperatives that emerge from their experience after a comprehensive learning process, the contributions of their training process in undergraduate programs and their reflective exercise on their role in the social development of the region. This research was developed in light of the qualitative approach, based on the hermeneutical method from Gadamer's perspective as a tool for understanding emerging realities supported by ATLAS.ti qualitative data analysis software which allows integration and analysis of different data collection methods.

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