Instructional model idea. A proposal for the development of online educational programs

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Humberto Jesús Ortega Vázquez


Instructional model, online education, digital resources, online courses design


Instructional models are an important axis in the implementation of on-line programs as they generate training experiences in learning environments. Through instructional guides, instructional models establish patterns of didactic construction which in turn lead the production of contents and digital educational materials. Therefore, this work theoretically argues a methodological proposal to model online training programs, such as courses, workshops, seminars, diploma courses, and others.

This instructional proposal presents a spin-off variant of the ADDIE Model used internationally in educational settings. Elements of the creative current Design Thinking, the 5E Teaching Model and principles of the inverted classroom are all added to the original methodology. In doing so, professionals in education with little or no experience in the creation of online training programs are systematically guided. The proposed model considers four stages of basic structuring: Ideation, Didactic, Evidence, Activation, each of them designed to favor the integration of students’ different learning styles, the self-control of study times and the improvement of the immersion into virtual learning environments.


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