English Cultural Encounters for a Homeless Person: a case study

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Daniela Fernández Barreto
Daniel Stiven Moreno Bolaños
Astrid Ramirez Valencia


Homeless person, Cultural Encounters, Foreign Language, Academical Processes


In the social area, there is exclusion to Homeless People regarding their educational processes, in spite of the existence of some policies that focus on them but are not accomplished  The aim of this case study was to interpret the participation of a homeless person in an educational process in the English area through Cultural Encounters, we did this taking advantage of public places and the experience of the participant.

For the sessions, we took into consideration some theories such as Kolb’s (2015);  Engstrom et. al. (1999); Christiansen, Galal & Hvenegaard-Lassen  (2017), where we took the experience as an element that facilitates the teaching of a foreign language. Likewise, the use of public places were facilitator tools for the participant and his learning.

For this research project we applied three instruments:  post-facto notes, semi-structured interviews, and a survey, having the objective of understanding the homeless person and his process within an academic context.

Finally, the interpretation allowed us state some important factors in the educative process of homeless people, as well as the modifying factors that arose.

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