The Relationship between Learning Styles and Learning Strategies Among Students In the Department of Engineering of the Colomnbian University

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Judith C Martínez-Royert
María C Pájaro-Martínez


learning styles, learning strategies, students, university, engineering


Identified the relationship between the learning styles and strategies of students of the Faculty of Engineering of a Colombian university. Quantitative and correlational study. The sample was 230 students applied the Inventory of Learning Styles by Felder and Silverman, and for strategy, Scale of Learning Strategies abbreviated, From the Source, A., and Justicia F. Correlation analysis was performed among the styles and strategies of learning by program and the existing changes of the variables were analyzed by semesters of each program, a trend was found for the balanced style, followed by visual. The most used strategy: acquisition and the most applied sub-strategies related to social support, motivation, planning and control of tasks. No direct correlation was found between a particular learning style and strategy. There was no change in the preference and use of learning styles and strategies in the different semesters, so this is not attributed to vocational education.

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