Educational inclusion in pedagogical processes

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Edith Dayana Mena Rengel
Karina Elizabeth Rengel Hinojosa
María Fernanda Constante Barragán
Mayra Alexandra Molina Lozada
Mayra Verónica Riera Montenegro


Inclusion, pedagogical practices, teaching, special education needs, participation


Educational inclusion invites the incorporation of new pedagogical practices by the entire academic community, which contain playful strategies and promote an inclusive environment, allowing its students to achieve school success. Each student has different interests, capacities and learning needs, so the educational system must promote the application of innovative teaching techniques that promote the abilities and skills of students with special educational needs in regular education, taking into account their rhythms. and learning styles.

The right to a quality education is based on the active participation and equal opportunities of all students in pedagogical processes, regardless of their physical, economic, social condition, etc. The inclusive school seeks to eliminate barriers to school participation and guarantee equity in education, through the application of curricular adaptations and the necessary support in a regular educational institution to ensure that students with SEN develop cognitive and social skills.

Teachers, for their part, have the challenge of creating inclusive classrooms where changes and modifications are generated in terms of methodologies that allow the comprehensive training of students and the acquisition of meaningful learning.

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