Contrastive study of the evaluative models of classroom of public and private institutions of the city of Tulua and its relation with educational quality indices

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Gustavo Adolfo González Cruz
Diana Katherine González
Gustavo Adolfo Cárdenas Messa


conceptions, evaluative practices, Saber 11 tests, quality


The research proposal Contrastive Study of the Evaluative Models of teachers from three public and three private institutions in the city of Tuluá and its relationship with educational quality indices. It had the purpose of identifying the national conceptions on evaluation, established in Law 115 of 1994 and its regulatory acts, in addition to the documentary system of the Ministry of National Education. This identification consistently allowed establishing a roadmap, a must be, against the evaluation guidelines of the PEI and evaluative practices.

It also sought to identify the nature established in the PEIs of three public and three private secondary education institutions, in order to verify the consistency between these and the national directives and the differences and similarities between the evaluative guidelines of the public and private sector.

Information was obtained that allowed us to clarify why in Tuluá the evaluative results of private institutions exceed (in the Saber 11 tests) public institutions, in addition to whether or not they respond to national policies in this regard.

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