Comparative analysis of the quality in the construction of the urban environment and housing after the influenza pandemic in the city of Bogotá in the period or hygienist conception from 1911 to 1942. Case study Villa Javier.

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Francisco Javier Lagos
Sandra Milena Benitez Villamizar
Jairo Jamith Palacios Rozo
Leidy Johana Hurtado Salazar
Yolanda Andrea Gomez


Social Housing, Construction of Urban Space, Quality construction


In the present document there is realized an analysis of descriptive and quantitative order of the urban environment of the housing of social interest that developed between the year 1911 to 1935 in the city of Bogotá, in the so-called hygienist period, conceived from the institutional policies that derived in the construction of the so-called “workers” neighborhoods, establishing attributes of the environment in terms of location, typology, services and social and community equipment, therefore takes as object of study the first consolidated neighborhood in this period called Urbanization San Francisco Javier or Villa Javier.

When referring to the term housing of social interest as the one promoted by the state and that is constructed with or without its interjection, in this case we try to determine the measurable characteristics of the area that allow to determine indexes or indicators on the urban environment that defined and constituted it as a milestone in the housing of this type in the city of Bogota.

This document proposes a historical approach to the city and the environmental factors that surrounded it at the end of the 19th century, how it grows and the factors that influenced its development, in addition, the proposed sector is analyzed as a result of its own historical, social, environmental and urban development, defining the aspects that shape it and the changes inherent to the city.

The methodology used for this process was the application of surveys in each of the neighborhoods, where the years of construction of the neighborhood, the eventual risks of an urban nature, the analysis of distances, the evaluation of urban landscaping of the areas were taken into account. green, active and passive recreational areas, sustainable management of rainwater, educational policies on energy saving, the perception of the quality of life in the population, acceptance and coexistence with the different and promoting inclusion Social.

Subsequently, a brief analysis is carried out according to the themes surveyed and according to the theory studied, to conclude that it is necessary to apply more specifically the aspects of covisibility, the scheduled renovation of the materials used in the construction of the urban space, the promotion of education policies for the urban population on the proper maintenance of green and hard areas, the use of energy, the management of rainwater, the treatment of vegetation as a source for the collection of carbon dioxide, and how oxygen production and the incidences of these deficiencies within the dynamics of the populations that inhabit these spaces as families and neighborhoods, to conclude in the aspects that for their constructive quality and social acceptance continue until today.


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