A faculty a story: from practice to epistemological development of teachers of the Faculty of Nursing of a Public University
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Epistemological development, Nursing practice, Faculty
The objective was to determine in the faculty and in its history: the practice and epistemological development in teachers of the Faculty of Nursing of a public university, descriptive, cross-sectional research work with 40 teachers; The results were Average age 58.6 years, 65% have a specialty, 87.5% a master's degree, 32.5% a doctorate. Average professional practice 31 years; 85% decided to be nurses because they liked the career. Most of them consider the theoretical and practical training they received sufficient. They apply theoretical and conceptual nursing models, care plans, elaborate and publish works. They consider that the autonomous role is characteristic of the profession. The epistemological conceptions prioritized in the greatest proportion were individual care, the nurse-patient interactive process, people's satisfaction, and the comprehensive and systemic conception of the patient. Regarding professional practice, 87.5% are satisfied, they point out that from the healthcare, research and teaching areas, the most significant contributions are made to the profession. They mostly use the nursing care process, and often epistemological paradigms. Conclusions: The care practice combined with teaching and research has generated the epistemological development of teachers.
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