Working memory and verbal learning skills in fourth grade elementary students

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Claudia Patricia Rivera Sánchez
Lizeth Ramos Acosta
Chrystian Mauricio Pérez Serna
Olga Lizbeth Salamanca


Working memory, academic performance, verbal learning, executive functions


This project seeks to analyze the relationship of working memory with verbal learning skills in fourth grade primary school students of the Moderna educational institution in the municipality of Tuluá, using tools such as the Trail Making Test, the Taveci and the Academic Average. A total of 10 quantitative variables were measured, of which 24 significant relationships were obtained for high-performance students and 6 significant relationships for students with low-performance, and a variable that was graphically analyzed was the learning index.

In order to achieve the production and understanding of language, the brain performs a series of processes that activate specific areas of memory, since it must go to the storage of concepts whether phonological, morphological, semantic, syntactic or pragmatic to achieve an effective relationship between what is spoken and the intention with which The communication is carried out. Therefore, memory is a vital factor for understanding both oral and written language (Baddeley A. , 1999).

In this process, working memory plays an important role, as it refers to the retention and manipulation of information for short periods of time, in which more complex actions such as reasoning and problem solving are carried out, in addition to being in charge of managing behaviors according to emotional stages of the organism, it also makes it possible to carry out operations of coding and processing of information so that it is properly integrated with what is already possessed by the human being, recalling the memories that the long-term memory keeps, allowing the subject to perform specific tasks (Tirapu & Muñoz, 2005).

Along this line, the process that plays a crucial roll in the short and long-term memory processes including semantic memory and auditory discrimination is verbal learning, seeing that this one refers to cognitive processes that relatememory and semantic knowledge , since the semantic memory is exercised in the short and long term for the recovery of information. 5 Here they play an important role, phonological awareness, word sound recognition and oral language comprehension, as they are factors involved in verbal learning.

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