Satisfaction of courses in AVA as a strategy of attention to the covid-19 contingency

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Heidi Angélica Salinas Padilla
Juan José Díaz-Perera
Mario Saucedo Fernández
Santa del Carmen Herrera Sánchez


AVA, Satisfaction, Students


Universities are currently facing the challenge of facing the continuity of higher education in the face of the existing Health Contingency by COVI-19 and the state of Confinement that the Federal Government has imposed on the population to minimize the routes of contagion. Consequently, the entire educational system had to implement the Distance Education strategy and in the case of the Universities in virtual mode. This document presents the research results was to know the degree of satisfaction of the students in relation to their courses during the February 2020 cycle, developed in a virtual learning environment as a strategy of attention to the COVID-19 contingency at the Universidad Autónoma del Carmen. This research was exploratory, the survey tool was used, with a non-probabilistic sample for convenience, it was constituted by 387 students. Part of the opinions that were obtained were 83% of the students expressed satisfaction in relation to the change from face-to-face to virtual mode and about the work methodology; 92% of the students stated that the teachers promoted self-management, research and responsibility in the development of their learning activities, 89% of the students consider that the evaluation criteria were implemented according to what was established in the initial course program.

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