Systematic errors in the use of the protactor

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Edinson Fuentes
Martha Leonor Saiz Sáenz
David Fernando Pinzón Piñeros


error, measuring, angular amplitude, protractor


The error in the acquisition of knowledge in the classroom is a learning opportunity, for the student and for the teacher, that is why the teacher must implement didactic strategies that allow to overcome the obstacles that emerge in the teaching interactions and learning, but first the nature of the error must be identified, classified and known so that it does not become a unique knowledge that is transferred to other disciplines. In geometry, there is little literature in relation to errors made by students, and therefore, in the present study, the general objective was to evaluate information through the design of a didactic tool that allows collecting the systematic errors that students make when use the 360º protractor as an instrument to measure the magnitude of the angular amplitude. The study was delimited under the qualitative paradigm, exploratory and descriptive, delimited by participatory action research and the theoretical framework is based on errors in mathematical thinking, geometry and the use of the instrument; definition of angle as geometric object; mathematical construction of the concept of angular amplitude; its magnitude, angular amplitude and its measure, and finally the measurement from the concepts associated with the act of measuring and the genesis of the measure in the child.

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