Analysis of the perceptin of teachers and students on the system of articulation of the integrated curriculum (SACI) implemented by the bachelor degree program on foreign languages with emphasis on english at the UCEVA

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Fabio Nelson Giraldo Arcila
Karina Rios Quintero


Integrator, Interstructurant, Articulation, Feedback, Formative evaluation


The Uceva Faculty of Education Sciences has been implementing  an  articulation  strategy that seeks students to raise a proposal around an integrative question with the confluence of  all subjects, generating spaces for dialogue between the various knowledge and approaching the  purpose  of  articulation.  This  dynamic  has made it possible to have an articulation system that allows the design, implementation, and evaluation of the articulation. In order to strengthen this process, this research project sought to know the perception of students and teachers about the Articulation System of the Integrated curriculum (SACI), implemented by the Bachelor Degree in Foreign Languages with Emphasis in English of the Uceva in order to know the possible adjustments that the instruments require, thus becoming input for a restructuring process. For this purpose, a mixed-method  was used that involved the collection, analysis, and mixing of quantitative and qualitative approaches in the same study,  which allowed  a better  and  more  complete  understanding  of the perception of the Articulation System. The results show a correct perception of both teachers and students towards the methodology and design of  SACI,  however,  they  stated  the need to make adjustments regarding its implementation. Finally, it is concluded that the design and implementation of the SACI has given a significant report to the teaching-learning process for both teachers and students and, likewise, every time the pertinent adjustments are made, efficient results will be seen.

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