Anxiety and depression in adolescents

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Deysi Rosario Basantes Moscoso
Lilia del Carmen Villavicencio Narvaez
Luis Fernando Alvear Ortiz
Rómulo Arteño Ramos
Elda Maria Valdes Gonzalez


depression, anxiety, self-esteem, creativity, relaxation, body scheme


Anxiety and depression, two very common symptoms present in adolescence, a situation that generates multiple academic, affective and behavioral delays. Migration, family dysfunction, premature pregnancies, eating disorders, family conflicts, lack of social skills, infatuations, etc., are determining factors that mark the adolescent's personality. These effects cause constant pictures of depressives, sadness, low self-esteem, alarming symptoms that trigger a decisive school failure. This research aimed to control anxiety and depression in adolescents of a Tax Educational Unit in the city of Riobamba, who completed the ninth year of Basic Education, aged between 13 and 14, these adolescents are children of single mothers, from dysfunctional households, have experienced emotional problems, discrimination and abuse. by applying a psychopedagic guide to relaxation workshops, body scheme and creativity. Research tools such as the questionnaire, survey and psychopedagic guidance were used to show before and after, improving academic performance and personal and affective relationships in and out of the classroom. Through the application of these workshops it was possible to get students to relax easily, predisposition to work, motivation, high self-esteem, able to control their emotions and use their body scheme, as a tool of cognitive interaction, observing noticeably change of behaviors, habits and better academic performance.

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