Construct validity of a test to measure the level of child care in primary education

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Oscar Luis Ochoa Martínez
Ruth Villanueva García


Construct validity, test and child care


The objective of this research was to construct and determine the construct validity of a test to measure the level of “child care” in elementary school children; the construction process of the Test started with the proposal of 21 items whose content contemplated dimensions of Positive Psychology, among them, economic support, health care, emotional well-being and healthy coexistence; these items were exposed to expert assessment, obtaining as a result the elimination of six items; the remaining 15 were measured for their psychometric properties of reliability and construct validity; the first one, through Cronbach’s alpha statistic, and the second one, through the exploratory factor analysis test (AFE). The study sample was deterministic, selecting 154 children who were studying in primary education in school zone 13 in Durango City, Durango, Mexico, in the 2019-2020 school The result of the application of the Test gave a statistical value of 0.79, while the AFE test confirmed the validity of the Test construct and the existence of the latent variables: Family Integration, Family Coexistence, Health Care, Leisure Time and Economic Support. Regarding the overall result of “child care” in this sample and context, a high percentage of support from family members was found.

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