Occupational and emotional effects derived from social isolation in Covid-19 times
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Covid-19, obligatory social isolation, emotional affectation, model of human occupation
Due to the rapid spread of Covid-19 in the world, many countries have agreed on compulsory social isolation as a strategy to slow down the spread of the disease. This research seeks to characterize the effects of mandatory isolation on teachers and students in the Occupational Therapy program at the University of Santander - Cúcuta. It adopts as a methodological approach the descriptive cross-sectional quantitative. We designed our own instrument based on some already known, which was validated by expert opinion and administered to informants in its online version. The results show that teachers have been more receptive to changes in daily routines and habits, while students show greater resistance. Regarding the distribution of the informants in the diverse levels of depression, it could be determined that in the students there is more affectation, although there are aspects that are common in both populations, such as the loss of sleep, the increase of appetite, of feelings of sadness, tiredness and concentration.
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