Flipped classroom method using a pet, in rural school
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Teaching, geometry, pet, flipped classroom, calculus
The objective of the research is to design a didactic tool that helps students in the rural sector to understand the basic notions and elements of geometry in a creative, simple and innovative way using the resources of the environment such as pets, and to contribute with this experience a significant change in the other classmates and teachers of the Escuela Nueva Model. The inverted classroom teaching method, in which students use sources provided by their teachers to learn before class, and class time is used for group cooperation and to solve problems and concerns presented on the topics, jointly. It was framed within the qualitative approach, with quantitative support, it was developed under the action research method, data collection techniques were: direct observation, structured interview, test and survey. In phase one, the study population consisted of 11 fifth grade students from the Escuela Nueva Sede El Hoyo in the municipality of El Carmen, Norte de Santander, and 1 teacher, and the validity was constituted by a sample of 150 students from the rural and urban areas of Cúcuta. Results show that if the student acquires the theoretical foundation and applies what he/she has learned in the classroom, he/she improves conceptualization. The didactic strategy through the dog improves the motivation, generation of ideas and performance of the students. It is concluded that through the interaction with a canine it is possible to develop topics of linear geometry, differential geometry, calculus, becoming a creative, dynamic and enriching experience.
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