Flipped classroom as an educomunicational tool. An approach towards globalization

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Benjamín Gutiérrez Gutiérrez
Jabneel Alejandra Sánchez Lara


Educomunication, communication epistemology, Flipped classroom, Symbolic interaction, oral skill, internationalization


The educational tools along with the media educate the student worldwide in every education level. Hence, education as a focal point that generates messages must be oriented towards action as well as the semiotic trends, formal structuralism and constructivism movements which advocate in favor of more open and student-centered methodologies.


The quandary of this theoretical analysis of the communicational phenomenon reside on the generational gap between the teacher and students, students- educational contents as well as the different human abilities of overcoming among the conception of the academic and non-academic. Where the educational models from a unidirectional process do not cover the needs of a globalized education that demands the use of educational insertion in the media and sociocultural environment. Therefore, platforms such as flipped classroom used as a educommunicational tool allow a proposal of a new educational classroom perspective with: ICT and ETP in an university level through personal learning environment. With the purpose of developing teaching-learning strategies at a university level and the andragogy education. With the objective of developing teaching/learning  strategies which will prepare the country with the requirements   in order to face the constant movements that are a result from globalization as many others the oral skill is developed. Nowadays, BUAP has as its objective  to give an improvement to the student community while fostering students exchange and mobility in different levels, looking at internationalization, along with English, as a way to provide an opportunity for different institutions to be integrated to the global village.

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