Development of competences in Physics from the inverted learning model

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Cesar Augusto Hernández Suárez
Audin Aloiso Gamboa Suárez
Raúl Prada Núñez


Inverted classroom, natural sciences, basic education


With this work we intend to show the benefits of the invested classroom model as a strategy for learning Physics in the development of scientific competences in students of the secondary education level. A quantitative approach of descriptive type is adopted. For this purpose, contents and support materials were selected according to a process of planning and execution of activities, taking into account that investing the classroom implies reviewing low-level declarative contents at home, and that practice with a high cognitive level is developed in class, with the teacher's advice. A questionnaire was designed in which a scale was incorporated to determine the students' perception of the use of the strategy. The results reflect that more than half of the students were satisfied with the strategy, which generated a slight improvement in the academic performance of the Physics subject from one academic period to the next. It is concluded that students prefer multimedia support to other types of support for the development of the inverted classroom strategy.


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