A didactic approach to the study of genetic algorithm in the estimation of parameters of mathematical models

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María Alejandra Mármol Martínez
Eduardo Ibarguen Mondragón https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6308-1344
Mawency Vergel-Ortega


optimization, biological phenomenon, operators, genetic algorithm, search method, parameter estimation


This article addresses the basic concepts around genetic algorithms, their own vocabulary and a brief analysis of the type of problems that can be faced using this search method. Subsequently, we present in a very general way the steps to carry out the implementation of a genetic algorithm through a practical example in which the code used in programming is explained in detail and didactically line by line, to solve a specific problem. One aspect in which we emphasized was the       of problems that can be solved by this optimization method. In addition, to obtain ideas regarding the formulation of the objective function, programming of the code, selection of the software, dimensioning of parameters, among others. It is established that the information contained in this article seeks to give the reader a starting point for the compression, understanding, implementation and application of genetic algorithms.

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