Personal factors associated with isolation, socio-affective, socio-educational, socio- economic and cultural and implications of the coronavirus in the life of human beings

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Elizabeth Soto Cortés
Elifeleth Soto Cortés
Socorro Clareth Olivo Álvarez


Isolation, socio-affective, socio- educational socio-economic, cultural Covid 19.


Environmental factors, which refers to the environment of its context, where stimulation, affectivity must be taken into account; parenting standards, from an early age. Cultural and socioeconomic factors, where the development of each child is influenced by the social environment to which they belong, and the culture of their families, social, religious, moral, ethical and aesthetic values.

When a person has lived in society and, for deprived of relationships with others, having to live totally isolated, they immediately begin to organize their life following the patterns that the society in which they lived taught them, in The subsystem of society requires the collaboration of all its members through a variety of works that make social and family development possible to make the isolation to which they are forced by the situation of the pandemic in which they live by Covid 19, in the second decade of the 21st century this article touches the fibers of Guajira society and its socio-affective, socio-educational socio-economic cultural roots and the family role of the region.

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