Pause-reflection in education based on clinical simulation

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Alba Brenda Daniel Guerrero
Laura Silvia Hernández Gutiérrez
Eduardo Méndez Gutiérrez
Argimira Vianey Barona Núñez
Cassandra Duran Cárdenas


Education, Clinical simulation, Discussion pause, Reflection


Simulation-Based Education for the teaching of health sciences competences has a pedagogical foundation in learning theories, which allows it to have a variety of educational strategies and methods. During clinical simulation scenarios, the pause-reflection favors the student having contextualized, experiential and meaningful learning. The pause-reflection gives space to reduce the stress experienced on the stage, reduces the cognitive load, favors carrying out a microdebriefing to analyze the errors and correct them immediately, then the stage is resumed, with the possibility of repetition, in such a way that the The teaching-learning process is progressive and in real time, in a safe environment for the student, the instructor / facilitator and the simulator as a patient.

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