The use of ICTS in the teaching-learning process of german as a foreign language at the university

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Dayson David Ahumada Ebratt


foreign languages, german, education, ICT’s, learning


This reflective article aimed to describe the use of ICTs in the teaching of German as a foreign language in higher education. For this purpose, this study focused on a documentary review whose authors emphasized the use of ICTs to strengthen students’ communicative competences, such as Cariaga (2018), Chao (2014), Hernández (2017), among others. In this order, this documentary research, inscribed in the qualitative paradigm had among its results that ICT’S allow both the teacher and the student, to have access to various materials and levels of interaction, either teacher-student or students - students, which undoubtedly strengthens the teaching - learning process. Likewise, during the literature review, it was found that the study of ICT tools at the university level deserves a much more detailed and rigorous research, since it is a topic with a large number of nuances.

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