Neuro-linguistic programming as a strategy in the academic performance of students of the Faculty of Basic Sciences and Education. UPC

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Jhon Arjona De León
Eva De la Hoz Contreras
María Mercedes Colina
Teovaldo García Romero


neurolinguistic programming, academic performance, institutional context


The objective of the research is to analyze neurolinguistic programming as a strategy in the academic performance of students of the Faculty of Basic Sciences and Education. The study variables were defined as neurolinguistic programming, supported by Goleman, Grinder and Blender (2015), (Echeveria, 2014), and academic performance by Edel (2012), Torres, (2010), De Giraldo (2013). The project is supported by   the   positivist   paradigm,   with a non-experimental design, a transactional descriptive field in its temporal dimension; Due to its quantitative nature, it leads to the process of coding, tabulation, and statistical analysis; For this, the population is taken as (8) teachers and 17 students from the Faculty of Basic Sciences and Education, considering from the first semester to the fifth; A Lickert-type questionnaire with a scale of four response alternatives was applied to them to measure the proposed variables. The analysis of the results made it possible to establish strategies to strengthen student skills from the beginning of the career, relying on the development of competencies on neurolinguistic programming, increasing commitment and social responsibility as future graduates of the country.


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