Contributions of the faculties of education, human and agricultural sciences of the University of Nariño, for the generation of peace actions in the region

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Francisco Javier Torres Martínez
Nelson Torres Vega
Luis Alberto Ramírez Figueroa


Peace actions, culture of peace, education for peace, region


This article is derived from the research project: “Contributions from the Faculties of Education and Agricultural Sciences of the University of Nariño, for the generation of peace actions in the region”, which is framed in the broad context of the line of research in Social Pedagogy of the Research Group for the Development of Education and Pedagogy – GIDEP, sponsored by the Vice-rectory for Research and Social Interaction - VIIS. Its purpose is to socialize the most significant results related to peace actions in the region. For this purpose, a research process focused on the experiences of teachers and students of the programs of the Faculties object of this research was used. In the case of the Faculty of Education, the analysis of the processes of integral and investigative pedagogical practices - PPII, developed in educational institutions of the city of Pasto, in which the teachers in training and the accompanying teachers participated. For the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, the agricultural practices developed by students at the Botana Experimental Center were taken into account. The results aim to recognize pedagogical and agricultural practices as fundamental strategies to sensitize educational actors and promote peace and regional development actions.

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