The compassionate look
Main Article Content
Compassion, anthropology, ethics, new thinking
This article presents the two main currents in anthropology that also mark the two ways of understanding man and his ethical relationships with the world and with others: the one that highlights the autonomous and independent character of man and the one that accentuates his dimension relational or dialogical and dependent on the other. A phenomenological description of compassion is made from the story of the parable of the Good Samaritan. The concept of compassion is exposed as welcoming the other and an ethical commitment to liberate the structures that generate dependency and marginalization, not as charitable assistance or specific charity. The article defends ethics as a concrete response to the other in their situation of need; response based only on the need of the other, not on obedience to the moral codes established in society. The author claims the need to "think again", build a "new way" of thinking that accounts for the human being in all its reality, and makes possible the meeting of the two "souls" of Western culture: Hellenic and The Jewish.
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