La Ficoteca: And its value of educational-environmental in the biologist training

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Martha Judith Mogollón Arismendy
Carolina Arango Rivas
Nabi del Socorro Pérez Vásquez


Collections, Microalgae, Macroalgae, Knowledge


Due to the loss of biodiversity, it has become important to consolidate spaces such as biological collections, allowing the protection of natural heritage through the ex situ conservation of organisms. The collections offer support in educational institutions as part of teaching and knowledge transfer activities. The “ficoteca” as part of these, deals specifically with the conservation of the biodiversity of algae. The Biology program at the University of Córdoba has a library, seen as an educational strategy, since it is linked to the educational processes of teaching and meaningful learning, promoting “learning by doing”. Thus, this study aims to investigate students’ perceptions of the value, scope and importance of the “ficoteca”. A qualitative study was carried out with a focus group of active students of the Biology program in relation to the contribution of the library as an educational strategy. Three phases were applied, the epistemological analysis of the problem, direct observations and semistructured interviews and the analysis of the information using Atlas ti 9 software. The results show that the “ficoteca”, in addition to providing support and service to teaching activities, has meaning from an investigative, biological and environmental character, as an effective education strategy, where an unlimited number of possibilities converge and provide an environment for feedback in educational spaces.

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