The technology education professor and his struggle to keep his disciplinary knowledge current

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Claudia Esperanza Saavedra Bautista
Luis Alfonso Salcedo Plazas
Sandra Elizabeth Suárez Páez


Teaching role, Know how to discipline, Technology and Informatics, ICT


The purpose of this writing is to examine the challenges faced by educators dedicated to teaching technology education from the line of educational informatics and their struggle to maintain their current disciplinary knowledge, recognizing that this field is characterized by its accelerated updating of tools. at the hardware and software level, forcing the teacher to seek constant disciplinary literacy processes. The methodological approach is carried out from the interpretive paradigm with a qualitative approach, applying a documentary historical method, which throughout the analysis allowed to reveal the great challenges that educators in the field of computer science have had to face as an expression of technology, since a technology that today is classified as current, in a short time ends up being obsolete; Therefore, this Dynamic has constantly challenged the actions of the technology and information technology educator and the relevance of the professional profile of the technology educator.

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