Undergraduate students facing ICT-mediated education: perceptions in pandemic contexts
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Education, Pandemic, Perceptions, TIC
The objective of this research article is to analyze the perceptions of undergraduate students regarding ICT-mediated education in the context of a pandemic - Covid-19. It corresponds to a non-experimental-transectional quantitative study of descriptive level framed in the analytical empirical paradigm. The sample consisted of 594 undergraduate students from different programs of a public university in the city of Cúcuta in Colombia. A Likert-type questionnaire with 30 questions divided into five dimensions was used as an instrument for collecting information: sociodemographic, attitude and perspective towards virtual education, pedagogical teaching practices, learning obtained, and means and resources for learning. The data analysis was done through descriptive statistics. The results show that the general perception of the students is positive for all dimensions, except for ‘attitude and perspective to virtual education’. It should also be noted that about half of the participants have made the decision to suspend their studies for different reasons, but all connected with the impact of the pandemic.
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