Socio-environmental conflicts in the micro-basins of Villavicencio 1980-2015
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Micro-basin, territorialization, socioenvironmental conflict, developmentalism
This article identifies different actions of social actors such as socio-economic and cultural practices and processes of appropriation of natural resources in the micro-basin of Zuria in Villavicencio; being able to determine that the territorialization processes are related within a geo-socio-historical triad. The theoretical support is based on the bases of the developmental economic model, causing different environmental problems on the configuration of the different ecosystems and their natural resources, altering the natural biodiversity by being replaced by other types of plants or crops of economic exploitation, which affected the stability of the soils, especially due to the use of pesticides, which ultimately meant infertile lands and a change in the vocation and use of the soil. The work presented was based on the study of maps, structured in the following phases: identification of the unit of analysis represented in the delimitation of the Zuria biological corridor; consolidation of multitemporal geographic information through the Corine Land Cover methodological application for the classification of vegetal covers; analysis of projected information through graphic outputs for the periods 1992, 2002, 2007 and 2012, based on previous results consisting of the description, individualization, classification and comparison of its characteristics.
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