In times of coronavirus: What are the factors that increased stress levels in teachers?

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Dayson David Ahumada Ebratt
Numas Armando Gil Olivera


Stress, teaching, education, Covid 19


The purpose of this article is to describe the factors that affect the stress levels of teachers as a consequence of the covid-19 virus. Focusing especially on aspects such as the modification of the educational modality from face-to-face to remote or distance. As well as other aspects such as the almost improvised use of unconventional ICT tools in the educational field by teachers. In this sense, this qualitative descriptive documentary research focused on a randomized documentary review. And among its results, it reported that according to the authors reviewed, teachers showed higher levels of stress because they had to face ICT tools that they did not handle with expertise, the adaptations of class sessions to new paradigms in which they could no longer interact in a really dynamic way with their students, and personal elements such as having to deal with the emotional burden of fear of contagion while they had to continue performing their duties. These types of results, although not necessarily generalizable, are undoubtedly a fertile field of research for teachers who want to delve deeper into these issues.

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