Learning to interpret: competence of the media world

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Frank Soto Ocampo


Communication, competences, cognition, understand, comprehend, interpret, apprehend


The findings, results and conclusions of the research on how the competences of interpretation of texts and images affect academic activities to be a competitive professional are presented. The objective consisted of explaining the state of the training on competences of interpretation of texts and images of the students of Social Communication. The ethnographic methodology that generated significance was applied by discovering the knowledge and cognitions of the students and teachers through questionnaires, interviews and tests, in addition to the study of some courses and the methodology of the program. It is a qualitative research based on the analysis of the curricula, knowledge of the subjects and documents related to interpretation based on a priori triadic categories. The result revealed shortcomings in the processes and processing of interpretation of knowledge to be able to apprehend to apprehend them. The discussion leads to the question of whether university students are competent to understand, comprehend and interpret auditory and visual narratives. The conclusion indicated that to face the state of interpretation training, it is necessary to apply the theoretical concept Interpretative Communicative Cognition supporting this research.

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