Gender perspective and emotional pressure in scientific training in the immediate academic services unit
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Gender perspective, science, physics, clinical mathematics
The research with a qualitative approach analyzes from a gender perspective the impact achieved by the intensive academic services unit in the learning results linked to the areas of knowledge of applied mathematics and physics of the basic education and official professional secondary education institutions of the city of Cúcuta that are part of the mathematical clinic project. The sources of information taken as sources of information are the records from the observation, the information gathered through interviews to the teachers responsible for the pedagogical accompaniment, as well as the impressions gathered in the focus groups developed with the students who attend the counseling, in the same way the findings are also studied under the criteria of the authors and researchers cited in the development of this article in order to strengthen and contextualize their contributions. In the analysis of the results, differences emerge regarding participation and motivation, which are evidenced in the perceptions and attributions, since while for the student’s greater effort represents less attendance to the unit, for the students their limited disposition in view of the dedication required for scientific training implies a longer attendance time to the unit.
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