Games as a strategy, from biographical stories, for the valuation of self and the recognition of the other in agropark los soches
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Ancestral game, biographical story, pedagogical strategy, self-appraisal, recognition of the other
The game is, by excellence, a child’s experience. During play, boys and girls share their own identity, as they put into action manifestations of the culture, they have subjectivized, such as: beliefs, ways of coexistence, ways of interrelating, ethics towards others, among others. The children of Agroparque Los Soches play and, to that extent, the ancestral or traditional games they play are used to execute a pedagogical strategy in which they play and expose through biographical stories the experiences lived during the game, in order to promote the reflection of themselves as valuation and the other as recognition of the other, sides of the same coin of cultural identity. The game is, by excellence, a child’s experience. During play, boys and girls share their own identity, as they put into action manifestations of the culture, they have subjectivized, such as: beliefs, ways of coexistence, ways of interrelating, ethics towards others, among others. The children of Agroparque Los Soches play and, to that extent, the ancestral or traditional games they play are used to execute a pedagogical strategy in which they play and expose through biographical stories the experiences lived during the game, in order to promote the reflection of themselves as valuation and the other as recognition of the other, sides of the same coin of cultural identity.
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