Psychosocial factors in the migrants of la parada, North of Santander

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Rocío de Belén Contreras Manrique
Liliana Contreras Manrique
Olga Lucy Rincon Leal


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In Colombia, and especially in the North Santandereana region, there is an impact on psychosocial factors in the border area, due to the migration of Venezuelans, because of the exodus in the country since 2017 and the impact of the arrival of Venezuelans and Colombians, who had lived for decades in Venezuela, being a social, psychological, economic, and educational phenomenon. The main objective of the study was to identify the characteristics of the psychosocial factors that influence migrants through the dynamics of mobility and the impact on the border problem in La Parada (N.S). The quantitative, descriptive approach, non probabilistic and intentional sampling with 100 migrants and the application of a questionnaire of psychosocial factors associated with the well being of migrants by Javier Murillo and Fernando Molero. The analysis of the results showed that the factor of prejudice perceived by the migrant is not very pleasant and they are stigmatized in the border area due to various economic and social issues, being welfare supporters to survive in the crisis; next, the second factor, discrimination is perceived as criminals; In the third factor, the identity of nationality, they recognize themselves as Venezuelans and the Colombian economy becomes difficult for them. In the fourth factor, satisfaction with life shows little resilience to a new life project; The fifth self-esteem factor is feelings of sadness, for being away from their family and, finally, material well-being perceived in the migrants. A small sample recognizes the support of Colombia. Conclusions: migrants face various social problems such as acculturation, integration, discrimination, and acceptance. Psychosocial support for migrants through an interdisciplinary group is important to strengthen the life project.

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