Education via streaming: an alternative for the socialization of research in times of the Covid -19 pandemic

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Jéssica Pamela Torres Lescano
Rómulo Arteño Ramos
Hernán Paúl Ortiz Coloma
Mery Elizabeth Zabala Machado


Education, streaming, socialization, history, COVID 19


The research explored the usefulness of education via Streaming for the dissemination of scientific articles in the context of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 in 2020 by measuring and reflecting on the scope and limits of digital publication. The technological strategy was produced within the framework of the celebration of the Bicentennial of the Independence of the Latin American countries. The nation-states adapted the remembrance programs to the new context of world health, seeking alternatives that do not generate crowds in the traditional spaces of celebration. The initiatives came from public and private organizations. In the case of the Ambato canton in Ecuador, the decision was prompted by the historical and cultural dissemination page “Ambato yesterday and today” with the event called “Academic Days of History for the Bicentennial of Ambato.” The research socialized in the Conference that will be traced here is the one entitled “Fiesta Time: Civic Celebrations of the 20th Century” because it is considered one of the closest to the theme of the Bicentennial. Finally, we consider that education via streaming. As the data indicated, it is one of the best options that combines synchronous and diachronic dual-track learning with the interaction of the viewer and the authors of the research.

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