Understanding of the straight line from apos theory
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Understanding, teaching, learning, APOS theory, linear equation
This article reports on the research that aims to establish the mechanisms and mental structures necessary for the understanding of the notion of straight lines by students in the ninth grade of basic education. For this, in the phase of the theoretical analysis of the concept, a genetic decomposition was formulated that guided the teaching, the analysis and the results. According to the performance of the students in the cycle of activities, classes, exercises and in a designed questionnaire, comprehension is characterized as action, when the students calculate the equation of the straight algorithmically and do not infer information from it; as a process, when they represent the line in different registers, they model situations and infer information, and as an object when they establish and apply relationships between straights lines in problem situations. It is concluded that the APOE theoretical and methodological framework allows describing and explaining the understanding of the straights lines and provides tools to analyze, design, implement and evaluate didactic strategies.
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